
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

....Sarah's style! I love Christmas decorations. My FAVORITE holiday. I am always that person that puts up their decorations before Thanksgiving. I just feel like if I wait, I won't have time to really enjoy it. I used to put up the BRIGHT stuff, but have toned it down just a little since I got married. I have pretty much stuck to the red and lime green in the past few years. Here are some things that I have found this year and have saved to maybe try at the next house that I won't ever get to build our next house.
  (Hostess with the Mostess)
(Hostess with the Mostess)

(I have no idea where I got this one)

(Or this one)

Kelle posted some things on her blog that she liked done with felt balls and/or yarn. I have seen a lot of Christmas decorations done with yarn. I guess I need to stock up so that I can try some of these ideas next year. Sure ain't happening this year! I still have baby doll bedding to make!

(The Pleated Poppy)

(Dana-Made-It)...I think

I really like that idea for my Christmas bows next year. I intended to do a lot more with this post but suddenly I can't keep my eyes open!